Saturday, February 04, 2006

Show boat

You little “showboat”

Row row row until somebody, anybody, notices.

Steal your slight glances. No one is watching.

You call for justice, “look at me”.

It’s not fair, is it?

So bright, you’re deafening, so is everyone else.

All deaf to each other. All walking around, staring straight ahead. Maybe thinking about things that matter. Maybe not thinking at all.

Probably- if it is you- probably thinking, “look at me!”

Then they look.

And you turn away.

Just what you wanted. Nothing more.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I got to thinkin'.

"As for evidence for the existence of a loving and benevolent god in history: we would have to submit a reluctant 'no'."
-William and Mary Durant

There is this place, this cool little place for coffee, on Divisadero street that I always pass by after work. Today I went in...

I began to look at the materials I need to submit to UVM's medical advisor committee in a mere 10 days.

"Why do you want to be a doctor?", I asked myself, almost casually and then simultaneously came to the realization that I have never sufficiently answered this question in any from before. Why DO I want to be a doctor.

great question

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Out of hand

my song is, well, mutating. And frankly, it is getting too busy.

I love it.

Check her out.