Saturday, February 18, 2006

oh yes... a WAR of poems

evilnelsontwin: matthew and the nelson twins sure do fit
evilnelsontwin: i tried to give him handesome creme but he didnt need it
evilnelsontwin: hes coming back in a week and we sure are happy
evilnelsontwin: i know when my mom hears him sing she might get sappy
evilnelsontwin: he lives so far away and it sure is sad
evilnelsontwin: she when he comes back if he doesnt get ass that definitely will be bad
evilnelsontwin: in the meantime sarah and i will love you just the same
evilnelsontwin: but at the afterparty, we will keep our distance because youll be on your game
evilnelsontwin: the end

Friday, February 17, 2006

Maybe it's better this way

Thats okay, thats okay.

Like a cloud in the sky looking like a mountain-side
I could never really climb.

s'alright, s'alright.

It's much better this way.
Thoughts of the finale are finally fading from fear.
And I find myself laughing after all these years.

it's fine, it's fine

but I can not abide.
run my hands on marble.
snag my flesh on a nail.
Cold white with red warm brush.

And maybe it's better this way.
Cause all I can do is laugh.
I keep staring at the white marble.
the old streaks, the new one.
All I do is laugh.

N Judah

"Why San Francisco?" - Everyone.

I am not normal. Things that are obvious to the rest of the human race, are not obvious to me at all, or things will become obvious much later than they should. The question above is not one I asked myself with complete seriousness and thoroughness.

For the first time in my life I am outside of New England without close friends or family. I am alone almost everywhere I go. This last Sunday I took the N-Judah (a cable car) down to Ocean Beach. When I was looking for apartments while back in Vermont, I saw this line referenced many times as I was seeking out a place in that area. I was riding the N train on this beautiful morning, watching block after block slip pass. Occasionally, I saw the green tops of trees in golden gate park, which runs about two blocks to the North and parallel to the N line. Young individuals got on and off, then it families came aboard as we reached the more residential Outer Sunset neighborhood. Parents and the type of kids that are "from" a city, not from a suburb. This would be the place that they depart from when they decide they've been too long, when they've seen all there is to see, done all there is to do.

48th street...My stop

The train loops back on itself here and becomes in-bound. I was amazed at how close I was to the beach just stepping off the train, probably because I didn't do any sort of distant calculation with a map or otherwise.

And as sudden as stepping of a plane, I was at a most picturesque beach with fine, brown sand and large green waves breaking into white foam that chased back the lands.

I want to live here.


sarahmary86: ok im going to sign of with a haiku
sarahmary86: are you ready?
sarahmary86: matt is my husband
sarahmary86: me and melinda heart you
sarahmary86: you are lovely
sarahmary86: the end
sarahmary86: by sarah m. nelson

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Happy Valentine's day

white snow

There is something that says "Valentine's Day" in your face.
The blush of your cheeks, the red of your lips.
the white and delicate red hues.
But I can't be with you.

I saw the moon hanging over the city.
And I saw you standing in the snow.
With the light pouring down.
And your mittens in my hands.

I found a sad song to hang my soul on.
Tonight I'm thinking of you.
In a low simple voice.
And I'm realizing, it is much more than snow.

But I'm the person who needs to cut to feel.
And needs to go, so I might return.
And needs wander the desert,
Before I can drink of the spring.

Red and white is what you want.
And love is the taste you seek.

And when I return I can spread over you.
Making angels in the snow.
And praying,
I never let this Valentine go.