Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Something is wrong

I'm going to undress so you can see me in my purest form.
I'm going to bare myself to you, in hopes that it will help you.

what more can I say about this. My options. I have options.
don't I?

am I losing my way?

am I just the same and never changing, yet being consumed with the idea, the aspiration to change.

who cares.

I am just going to wake up tomorrow, hear the same things, walk the same walk, feel the same pangs of regret, of guilt.

Here, in front of all the world, I stand: living breathing, aching proof that love can be so utterly forgot, overshadowed and blotted out by the will of the mind.

My mind as always enjoyed a totalitarian control over my destiny, my body. Not the mind I speak through now, but the mind that whispers to this one, seeding it with discontent.

feelings. I don't feel a thing.


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