Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Back and back again

Ok, back at Momi, the place I was last time...

I think I got drunk the last time I was here and words they made no sense...


You all have no idea how crazy it's been here. Things have fallen into place like I never thought possible. My life is so FULL of unknowns, and, strangely, this makes me feel more liberated then I ever felt before. This surely is the work of the GODs... yeah, anyhow.

what I would give for a gym membership out here... that is something they don't give away here. I could probably get laid for less than a monthly gym dues out here, but it would be a man, and I would acquire a number of maladies.

My job is about as good as they come. It could not be more perfect right now actually. It is 8:30 to 5, laid back as all hell. I duck out for coffee anytime I want. The people are nice, the environment clean and unhurried. It gives me the freedom to enjoy the city outside of my job. If I was working for Cedric or that bitch Uma, then I wouldn't have the chance to do, well, much of anything. I did like working for Cedric; looking back, I probably made my own hours by not working expediently. But, I did quite a bit of work... so maybe not. I can never really judge myself cause I so rarely live up to my own standards.

Enough about me...

Another thing I do so rarely is write about OTHER PEOPLE. What a prick! I miss a certain someone, and that is terrible. I wish she knew how I look back on our time together, so much of it was spend in doubt and fear. It's funny, a big part of me wants her here with me. It is strange I feel this way now. Maybe better too. I've learnt to appreciate her at last.

For now though, I'm more than content to be me, to be here now; to be all at once scared and excited, lost and found, changed and, really, very much the same.

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