Thursday, January 05, 2006

My first full day in SF

I'm in full job hunting swing right now, by evidence of the soreness of my butt from sitting on it at this coffee shop for three hours straight. How is that for a run-on sentence? Hey, pretty good. I've been out of work for more than a month and in California for almost one. Today was spent looking around on the UCSF website. For the first time in long time I felt really excitement at the prospect of doing meaningful research. All the projects looked compelling: clinical pain management studies, stem cell research, neuro-degenerative disease research, etc. But my foot is not in the door, nor will it be with out a fair amount of elbow grease to moisten the senses of these scientist--they must realize I am AMAZING. Perhaps an over-active ego is my first mistake. Perhaps.

My one new year's (is that capitalized?) was to stop doubting myself. I intimated at a dinner on new years eve and everyone at the table said "Aww..". What, does no one else in this wide world doubt themselves? I'm obsessed with failure... I know that.

Tomorrow I'm going to get all dressed up and barge into UCSF offices all over the city, demanding position and handing out receipts for ass-woopings to all those deserving it (aka people who tell me anything I don't like).

Nikki put two away messages up, both containing lyrics from my songs!!! That makes me sooo happy... because I felt like I could only ever be the only one that would like such filth. HAHA, jk.


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